Kentucky Moon Dancers
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This site is dedicated to the memory of Moon Dance Shiloh, a big beautiful buckskin that left this world much earlier than he should have.  He was a powerhouse of majestic beauty that allowed one lady to enter his soul and calm his spirit.  To those who knew him, his memory will live forever in their hearts.


Remembering Moon Dance Shiloh
1994 - 2002
     Every morning when the new day dawns you'll be in my
thoughts ~ I'll see your beautiful sculptured face and your perfect body
as the sun glistens on the dew and the first rays of light streak across the sky.
I WILL REMEMBER . .  When Spring comes and the flowers blossom, I'll be
reminded of how you lit up my life and gave me sanity in my timess of despair.
I WILL REMEMBER . . When the hot lazy days of Summer come I'll see you
in a babbling brook or a floating cloud and always on the trail of life.        
I WILL REMEMBER . . In the Fall I'll hear your thundering hooves as the
wind blows through the falling leaves and feel your warmth as the breezes cool.
I WILL REMEMBER . . And in the Winter, the cold will remind me of your
majestic and powerful nature.  I'll see you in the snowflakes and your reflection
will transcend the ice covered waters.                                                           
I WILL REMEMBER . . your courage and your fortitude ~ I'll remember how
you protected me from life's hazards ~ I'll remember how you taught me to
love you and trust you ~ I'll remember how powerful you were and how kind
and trusting you were of me ~ I'll remember your heart.                             
I WILL REMEMBER . . And everynight when the day is done and the stars
shine brightly, I'll remember your gentle nature and feel safe in your courage.
I WILL REMEMBER . . When the moon shines I'll be reminded of Moon
Dance Shiloh, my big, beautiful buckskin .... my best friend.               
I know you are in a better place, free from pain, with fields of green, kind
and gentle friends and cool, clear streams . . but your place on Earth will
always be in my heart.                                                                      
"Our paths have crossed for a reason, a reason only our Creator knows.
We are after all a mere part of creation . . and we stand between the
mountain and the ant, somewhere and only there, as part and parcel
of the creation."                                                                            
O.R. Lyons, Onondaga - Native American     
I'll miss you my friend, and someday, I'll see you again.                                                    

Kentucky Moon Dancers ~ Nicholasville, Kentucky